Jordan issues safety warnings amid intense heatwave


Published: 2024-06-15 10:44

Last Updated: 2024-07-14 15:56

Jordan issues safety warnings amid intense heatwave (Photo: Shutterstock)
Jordan issues safety warnings amid intense heatwave (Photo: Shutterstock)

As Jordan continues to experience an intense heatwave across most regions on Saturday, authorities have intensified warnings about the dangers of leaving children alone in vehicles and advised against outdoor activities and sun exposure during peak hours.

The Meteorological Department cautioned against leaving children alone in vehicles, even for a short period, due to the risk posed by rising temperatures to the health of patients and the elderly.

Additionally, they emphasized the importance of not leaving flammable materials inside vehicles, such as sanitizers, gas cans, and perfumes, as these can pose significant risks.

The department highlighted the necessity of wearing protective headgear and hats, taking regular breaks, especially for those whose work requires prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, and closely monitoring children to prevent them from playing under the sun for extended periods.

The Meteorological Department predicts a slight decrease in temperatures on Sunday, with dry and hot weather persisting over the high mountain elevations, and extremely hot temperatures in other areas, along with some high-altitude clouds appearing in the south of the Kingdom. Winds are expected to be moderate northwesterly, occasionally active.

On Monday, dry and hot weather is expected to continue in most areas, with extreme heat in the Badia, Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba regions. Winds will be moderate northwesterly, occasionally active.

For Tuesday, a slight increase in temperatures is expected, with dry and hot weather prevailing in most areas, and extreme heat in the Badia, Jordan Valley, Dead Sea, and Aqaba regions, along with some high-altitude clouds. Winds will be moderate northwesterly, occasionally active.

Saturday’s weather forecast:

  • East Amman: between 40°C and 26°C
  • West Amman: between 38°C and 24°C
  • Northern Highlands: between 36°C and 23°C
  • Sharah Highlands: between 37°C and 24°C
  • Badia Regions: between 43°C and 25°C
  • Plains Areas: between 40°C and 26°C
  • Northern Jordan Valley: between 46°C and 26°C
  • Southern Jordan Valley: between 46°C and 29°C
  • Dead Sea: between 46°C and 27°C
  • Aqaba: between 47°C and 31°C